Happy Cinco de Mayo! In celebration of the Mexican army's victory over the French Empire in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Cinco de Mayo was first celebrated in California in Los Angelas only one year after the battle.
In the United States, mostly California & the west cost, we celebrate Cinco de Mayo as Mexico's Independence day. That is a common misconcception. The actual independence day of Mexico is called Cry of Dolores & is one if not their most important holiday. Cinco de Mayo in Mexico is celebrated mainly with through ceremony & military parades, where as in the United States we have parties, & other types of festivities.
These bags are filled with five different minerals plus a bonus carved mineral. Many of the minerals were sourced from Mexico actually! We think that no matter how you celebrate Cinco de Mayo it should be with respect & love to our wonderful neighbors. These bags are not only a safe way to spend your Cinco de Mayo they also are fun.